Tips & Petua

Tips and Tricks


The first thing we need before we can start our beading process is to have the right tools and the right materials. In the picture below shown the tools that we need:

1) Thread - Colour of the thread need to be suitable with the beads, sequins, n cloths colour. Do not choose obvious different colour as the result may not be nice.
2)Needle - There are a few types and sizes of needles. You can use size 9, 10, 11 or 12 which comes with long and short size.
3)Erasable Pen - Use to outline your design. 2 type of erasable pen - air or water (it means it's earasable by air or by water)
4)Ram - The round wooden ram is used to keep your cloths tight and give ease for you to bead.
5)Needle Threader - Use to put your thread through needle.
6) Pensil, Tracing paper and Carbon paper - Use to design patern and trace onto cloths.
7) Cloths - The softer and smoother cloths will be harder to bead for the first timer. So you can first try onto cotton cloths. :)
Once you have all the tools you need as shown above, we have to consider what types of materials we want to use. Various of materials available and you can creatively mix and match to produce the best design and colours that suit your cloths. Some of the materials are :

1) Beads - cylinder beads (short solid, fine, medium, long, extra long), long cylinder twisted beads, round beads, small round beads - dual tone and round beaeda.

2) Sequins - Indian sequins, square sequins, flower sequins and now we can even find flower cup sequins.

3) Pearls - Round pearls, rain drop pearls, padi shepe

4) Stones


So now you knew what you need to start your beading process


Memang tak dapat dinafikan susah benar nak jaga baju bermanik nih..... perlukan kesabaran....
Sama-sama kita share.... macam mane nak jaga baju bermanik nih.... Biasala...benda yang cantik ni memang susah nak jaga....perlu ditatang rapi....

1) Yang penting baju itu perlu dibasuh dengan tangan, celup dan cuci tempat yg kotor sahaja. Kemudian perah dan jemur....kalau boleh yang ada manik tu dijemur sebelah belakang.... tujuannya untuk menjaga kualiti manik tersebut agar jangka hayat sinarnya berpanjangan

2) Cara gosok pula....pastikan tempat yang ada manik harus digosok bahagian belakang...kalau ada steam iron lagi bagu, tetapi jangan terus iron pada manik itu kerana ianya perlu lapik kain lain dahulu...


Ini jugak memainkan peranan penting dalam mencantikan baju anda..... Pastikan anda memakai manik Jepun. Ini kerana manik ini dikatakan berkualiti dan mempunyai jangka hayat KILAUAN yang berbeza..... TAK PERCAYA .....cubalah

Terdapat pelbagai jenis jahitan manik yang mudah dan senang untuk diaplikasikan bagi sesiapa yang baru berjinak-jinak dalam Jahitan Manik dan Labuci. Antaranya:

Teknik Pearl Daisy

Teknik Pintalan

Teknik Manik Beriringan

Teknik Bunga Bintang

Teknik Manik Tabur

Teknik Bunga Teratai

Teknik Jelujur Susur Paut/ Tali Air

Teknik Dedaun (Out Striches & Fishbone Stiches)

Teknik Juntaian dan Buah Beri

 Teknik-teknik ini boleh digabungkan untuk menjadi corak yang cantik dan menarik.
Selamat Mencuba!